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Parenting Facilitation and Coordination

Parenting Facilitation: Whether by agreement or appointment, this service requires a court order signed by a judge. Parenting Facilitation, also known as case management, is a problem-solving service offered to parents raising children between homes who seek professional assistance in working together to keep their children free from the parents’ conflict. This service in not therapeutic, but instead Parenting Facilitation is a child-centered dispute resolution service that assists parents in developing and implementing workable parenting plans when they are unable to do so on their own.  




Parenting Coordination: Parenting Coordination is a problem-solving service offered to parents raising children between homes who seek professional assistance in working together to keep their children free from the parents’ conflict. Parenting Coordination is a child-centered dispute resolution service that assists parents in developing and implementing workable parenting plans when they are unable to do so on their own. 



All parenting facilitation and  coordination services are virtual.


Doing Homework

Parenting Facilitation

Whether by agreement or appointment, this service requires a court order signed by a judge. Parenting Facilitation, also known as case management, is a problem-solving service offered to parents raising children between homes who seek professional assistance in working together to keep their children free from the parents’ conflict. This service in not therapeutic, but instead Parenting Facilitation is a child-centered dispute resolution service that assists parents in developing and implementing workable parenting plans when they are unable to do so on their own. Our parenting facilitation process uses an education based, team model with Cecilia Powers, LCSW-S and Bradley S. Craig, LMSW-IPR, CFLE. Both individuals are parenting facilitators, so in each case, both will serve the parents, one as a parenting facilitator and the other as a communication coach. The parenting facilitator and communication coach work to educate parents, meet jointly with both parents to develop an ongoing plan, monitor communications through Our Family Wizard, and assign tasks for parents as needed such as homework. 


The parenting facilitator's duties are limited to matters that will aid the parties in the following areas:



  1. identifying disputed issues;

  2. reducing misunderstandings;

  3. clarifying priorities;

  4. exploring possibilities for problem solving;

  5. developing methods of collaboration in parenting;

  6. understanding parenting plans and reaching agreement about parenting issues to be included in a parenting plan;

  7. complying with the court’s order regarding conservatorship or possession of and access to the child;

  8. implementing parenting plans;

  9. obtaining training regarding problem solving, conflict management, and parenting skills;

  10. settling disputes regarding parenting issues and reaching a proposed joint resolution or statement of intent regarding these disputes; and

  11. monitor the parties’ compliance with court orders. 


The Parenting Facilitator may do this by reviewing written evaluations and reports, and talking with other significant individuals involved with the family (doctors, therapists, school personnel, lawyers, etc.) The Parenting Facilitator will meet with the parents jointly, and communicate by fax, email, or Home visits may be made to both parents homes. The Parenting Facilitator can write status reports to the court as needed and defined in the order, testify in court, and maintain contact with other professionals, and will be present during hearings. The Parenting Facilitator may make recommendations to the parents but may not include recommendations regarding conservatorship of or possession or access to the subject child(ren). 



Parenting facilitation is a non-confidential process in which all documentation is transparent. This protects the process and does not allow one parent to attempt to align the parenting facilitator "on their side" or "with their point of view" prior to the initial session. Do not e-mail or otherwise communicate with Ms. Powers or Mr. Craig regarding the history of your case, your concerns regarding the other parent, or other relevant information prior to your initial session, though you are encouraged to address your concerns on your personal data form. 


In order to begin services with families, the following 7 fully completed forms must be on file for each adult along with a copy of the Order and the retainers:

  1. a fully completed personal data form

  2. attorney release form

  3. mental health professional release form

  4. medical release form

  5. consent for teleservices

  6. a completed service form

  7. a non-altered signed copy of the advisement form with initials on each page

  8. a copy of the court order appointing Mr. Craig or Ms. Powers as the parenting facilitator

  9. $1000.00 retainer from each parent. If Ms. Powers is appointed as parenting facilitator, please make payment via Zelle using the email address Please include a cover note with the last name of the child(ren), service you are paying for, cause number, and name of the person the payment is for. 


Please deliver each complete form (not separate pages of each form) separately via .pdf scan to OR Once all the forms are fully completed and on file by both parents and the retainers have been paid, an initial appointment letter will be sent to the parents to schedule the initial joint appointment. Sessions are held virtually between the hours of 9 to 5 M-Th. Because of the nature of high conflict families, it is important for us to maintain a written paper trail so phone calls will not be returned. If you have questions, please send questions in e-mail. 


Please do not send paper copies of information as we maintain digital files. If you mail your documents, you will be charged the rate of $250.00 per hour for time spent scanning documents in to digital format so you are encouraged to fax or scan your material. 


Do NOT provide further information unless requested or approved by Ms. Powers or Mr. Craig in advance. 

Mother and a Child

Parenting Facilitation Fees

The rate for Parenting Facilitation services is $250.00 per hour rounded up to the nearest 15 minute increment. This includes all services of the Parenting Facilitator and/or Communication Coach including reviewing documentation, records management, meetings, correspondences, phone contact, e-mail, court time, reports, legal expenses, consultation with other professionals, deliberation, and issuance of recommendations when parents are unable to resolve issues themselves if authorized by the court. An initial retainer of $1000.00 per parent is required to accept appointment, and parents must maintain a retainer of $600.00.


If a client or attorney requests a court appearance, deposition, or participation in any type of settlement conference by Ms. Powers and/or Mr. Craig, there will be a minimum charge and deposit of eight hours at $250.00 per hour ($2000.00) per day for live attendance or a deposit of four hours at $250.00 per hour ($1000.00) for virtual attendance. If the court or both attorneys request a court appearance, deposition, or participation in any type of settlement conference by Ms. Powers and/or Mr. Craig, these fees are split unless otherwise addressed in the order. Once the deposit is received, Ms. Powers and/or Mr. Craig will block of the time to appear. Such fees are due at least one week before the scheduled appearance and are nonrefundable within a week of the scheduled appearance as we must clear our schedule whether the hearing occurs or not. Please note: if an appearance request and the deposit is received without a minimum of one week (7 weekday business hours) notice, the nonrefundable deposit is due immediately and there will be an additional $250.00 express charge ($2250.00) for live attendance or ($1250.00) for virtual attendance. Such fees are are nonrefundable within a week (7 weekday business hours) of the scheduled appearance as Ms. Powers and/or Mr. Craig must clear their schedule whether the hearing occurs or not. Failure to provide the nonrefundable deposit at least three days (72 weekday business hours Monday through Friday, excluding holidays) constitutes release from the requested appearance.

Texoma Family and Court Services
Cecilia Powers, LCSW-S
Mailing Address: PO Box 911456 Sherman, TX, 75091 

Office Address: 100 N Travis Ste 504 Sherman, TX 75090

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